Given my love of dialogue, I've been writing screenplays and TV pilots.
Like Cats and Dogs: Frustrated parents give their son and daughter a house to force them to finally get along with one another--or maybe they'll knock one another off instead. Quarterfinalist, Page Turner Awards Nov. 2024.
Pickers: A couple buys a pickleball club to share their love of the sport, but the game generates personal disasters on and off the court. 2023 Semi-Finalist in Emerging Screenwriters Contest. 2023 Quarterfinalist in Scriptation and Tableread My Script contests.
Smart Coffee: a woman celebrates her husband’s passing by using his money to purchase a café to give women a place to complain, especially about men, but she needs help from all her friends to make a decent cup of coffee. 2023 Semi-Finalist in the Cinequest Content, 2023 Quarterfinalist: Inroads, Outstanding Screenplay Contests
That's How It Is: a woman runs a successful gaming venue, but to save it from her scheming husband and ex-sister, she has to get ahead of all the competition.
Good and Jealous: a woman loves her husband so much that she's sure all the other women are out to get him, but she can only test her theory by testing the women, nearly destroying the whole neighborhood in the process.
Loving Mariachi: a woman buys a losing music venue to thwart her opportunistic ex-husband, but after she falls in love with the lead mariachi player, she wants the venue to succeed instead.
Venetian Love Tricks: a vampire charged with limiting Venice's tourism falls for a member of the Venice Tourism Board.
Like Cats and Dogs: Frustrated parents give their son and daughter a house to force them to finally get along with one another--or maybe they'll knock one another off instead. Quarterfinalist, Page Turner Awards Nov. 2024.
Pickers: A couple buys a pickleball club to share their love of the sport, but the game generates personal disasters on and off the court. 2023 Semi-Finalist in Emerging Screenwriters Contest. 2023 Quarterfinalist in Scriptation and Tableread My Script contests.
Smart Coffee: a woman celebrates her husband’s passing by using his money to purchase a café to give women a place to complain, especially about men, but she needs help from all her friends to make a decent cup of coffee. 2023 Semi-Finalist in the Cinequest Content, 2023 Quarterfinalist: Inroads, Outstanding Screenplay Contests
That's How It Is: a woman runs a successful gaming venue, but to save it from her scheming husband and ex-sister, she has to get ahead of all the competition.
Good and Jealous: a woman loves her husband so much that she's sure all the other women are out to get him, but she can only test her theory by testing the women, nearly destroying the whole neighborhood in the process.
Loving Mariachi: a woman buys a losing music venue to thwart her opportunistic ex-husband, but after she falls in love with the lead mariachi player, she wants the venue to succeed instead.
Venetian Love Tricks: a vampire charged with limiting Venice's tourism falls for a member of the Venice Tourism Board.